Wednesday 10 May 2017


  • The voice speaking in this ad is Mercedes-Benz, a car company promoting one of their vehicles.
  • Mercedes-Benz is a well known car brand and in this case would be a credible voice for promoting their own vehicle.
  • This ad probably appears on websites selling vehicles and in car dealerships.
  • The audience that this ad is directed toward would be younger individuals looking to buy an expensive sports car.
  • Not trying to be offensive but a common stereotype I would see driving this car would be handsome,rich, young white males just like the man pictured above in the ad.
  • Being that this is a car ad I don't think that the writer is taking advantage of the reader. Just simply promoting a feature in their vehicles.
  • The apparent purpose of the ad is to advertise one of the features that Mercedes-Benz has installed in their vehicles.
  • The actual purpose of the ad is to simply advertise the newest and coolest features in their product in order to sell more vehicles.
  • Not necessarily a public service but the ad claims to offer a Blind Spot Assist service while driving.
  • The ad does fulfill the promises of the ad. There is a Blind Spot Assist feature in their cars.
  • The ad could potentially be concealing negative features about the product. In this ad they are only focusing on the Blind Spot Assist feature and not including other important aspects about the vehicle.
  • The central idea of the ad is their Blind Spot Assist feature that they have in their cars. The focus of this ad is again the Blind Spot Assist feature. They use this ad to promote one cool feature which will encourage people to buy the car.
  • This ad appeals to reason. The optical illusion is a good way to get peoples attention and draw them in to their product information.
  • I don't think that this ad appeals to any of the "Seven Deadly Sins". They ad just uses a optical illusion and I don't think that is a deadly sin.
  • This ad does not try to impress the viewer with impressive data or facts. They try to impress the viewer with the optical illusion. There is very little amount of text and the idea is clear and simple.
  • I have never been in or driven a Mercedes-Benz so I haven't experienced how the product actually works. But the ad does make general claims that have not been proven fake as far as I know.
  • The overall design of the ad is simple and not too busy. Yet the ad isn't too boring or plain. Less is More.
  • The attention getting ploy used in this ad is the optical illusion.This ad includes a photo of a man that appears to be looking both forwards and to the side. The company is basically promising you will be able to know your surroundings in front and beside you at all times in the vehicle.
  • The person included in this ad is young white male. He seems to be wearing a dress shirt which could contribute to the fact that he is professional/sophisticated. Only seeing half of his face it is hard to tell but I assume that he is attractive and has good morals. This is probably the most common stereotype you would see in ads.
  • The man in this ad is positioned large to the left and takes up almost half of the page. Being that there is not much else in the ad you can obviously tell he is the main subject.
  • Only seeing the mans one shoulder in this photo makes it hard to tell what he is actually wearing. I am going to assume though that he is wearing a dress shirt in order to look more clean cut and professional. This car company is aiming for young classy men like him to buy their vehicles.
  • There isn't really much to this ad. The background is plain and simple along with the message. The only graphics used in this situation is the optical illusion and that's really all they need.
  • The product isn't actually shown in this ad, they are only promoting a feature in their car. It's not clear how the vehicles actually look.
  • Since the product isn't shown the only other image is the optical illusion. In terms of size it takes up around 1/3 of the ad. I think this is a good size because the background is very plain and it has a lot of blank space.
  • The use of color is very dull and it could be improved to make the ad more eye catching and not so boring.
  • Since there are literally only two sentences on the ad,they don't provide much information about their product other than their Blind Spot Assist feature. The second sentence confirms the feature can allow you to look to the side without looking to the side.
  • This ad is implying that you should buy their product if you want to be able to look to the side without looking to the side and drive safer.
  • This ad is stating that you can drive safer with their vehicle because you will have better knowledge of your surroundings.
  •  The font is the classy Mercedes-Benz font and is simple to read. I think that this is just a bad quality photo and that the print being so small sint actually a tactic, its just a mistake and makes it hard to read.
  • There isn't exactly any small fine print so I don't think the ad is trying to hide anything.This could possibly be why the ad is so plain. They wouldn't have to include small fine print with disclaimers or restrictions.

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