Thursday 27 April 2017

How We Are Influenced By Media

We are constantly being influenced by the media and advertisements.From the internet,radio,television, and other forms we are always being exposed to new information. When reading this information we don't always know if it is true, or how much of it is true. This is how media is slightly controlling our perceptive and not showing us the whole truth. The news is a good example. News stations are always covering stories but only telling us what we want to hear. The documentary we just watched is a prime example of how the media can brainwash us and convince us that North Korea is horrible. Before I watched the documentary I always thought that North Korea was a horrible country with corrupt leaders and multiple missiles and bombs who were constantly threatening the USA. The documentary explained how the US made out North Korea to be that way and is telling their country how big of a threat they are. That all probably didn't make any sense and by all means I literally know nothing about wars and threats and the USA. But im rushing now since the bell went and Ijust want to say you shouldn't always believe what the media tells you. lolz god bless u

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Weebly Thoughts


Boy oh boy I am late to this Weebly blog party. I just realized that I never actually uploaded a blog post because I was probably sick or wasting my time. Overall I didn't enjoy using this site because I din't completely understand it and didn't exactly have a purpose for it. I don't think I need to make a website anytime. I would link my website but I cant exactly remember what it was called and I don't think it actually worked out. Anyways sorry for this really bad paragraph of my horribly written and 
unorganized thoughts.Image result for meme faces

Film Making Experience


Image result for dirty dancing

I had the time of my life making my movie and participating in others. My movie was about two cowboys, Hank and Gary, and their horse Pebbles. One cowboy Gary is dying and is saying goodbye to his friend. Gary eventually dies and the only way to save him is to transform him into a horse. Crazy plot am I right? My two classmates that played the cowboys were hilarious and were a perfect duo. Although it may not have seemed like it, I did enjoy being in other classmates movies. I'm draining here, I don't know what else to say. I can't wait to make our next music videos because I know they'll be just as fun. One problem with this project was that the movies took everyone a really long time to make and I wish we could have watched them already. One tip for future projects would be to not have too many characters in your movie and make a really simple plot. My movie was super plain and barely made sense but I aimed for it to be funny and simple, and thats how it turned out.

Lets do it again.

Microsoft Excel Expierence


I DO NOT ENJOY MICROSOFT EXCEL. These past few days have been downright boring and i wish I was literally doing anything else on this planet. I personally don't like punching weird complicated formulas into tiny little boxes and highlighting them with ugly colors. I understand how this program could help me keep track of my income and expenses one day but TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY. Thank baby Jesus that today was the last day of working on this program because I don't know if I could take anymore numbers and formulas. I plan on not using this program anytime soon if I really don't have to. I am seriously getting tired writing about this topic. 

I send prayers your way if you have to use this and I hope you don't get as bored as I do. Bless your soul.

Reading Media Photographs

        WHAT DO YOU SEE? Nonverbal gestures: Everyone's limbs seem to be relaxed. They aren't communicating with their hands. ...